Thursday, 28 July 2016


In our last post, we saw how one can use update statement in MongoDB. In this tutorial, we're going see how to delete/remove a document from MongoDB collection, how to delete/drop a collection and how to drop a database inside MongoDB.

deleteOne :

If you want to remove any one of the documents from the collection, then we can use MongoDB deleteOne command. It will just removes/deletes the specified document from collection. Let's the example now.

First, let's see what are all collections we have inside our db.

Now, we're going to remove/delete one document from "names" collection where _id:4.

Similarly, we can use deleteMany command to delete more than one document in MongoDB collection.

deleteMany :

DeleteMany command is used to delete multiple documents from the collection, where as deleteOne command is used to delete only one specified document from the collection.

Let's see one example on deleteMany.

See, in the above "names" collection is having 4 documents, we have just removed 2 documents from the collection where name:"John".

drop :

This command is used to drop the entire collection from the database including indexes.

Before drop :

After drop :

Here we just dropped "names" collection from the db using drop command in MongoDB.

dropDatabase :

To drop the entire database, you can consider using dropDatabase command.

First, let's how many dbs we have inside our server.

Now, let's drop the "zips" database using dropDatabase command.

Next Post : MongoDB schema design


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